Welcome to my page, where I invite you to share my passions for Astrology, Intuitive Art and the great mystery of Life.
The last 25 years have taken me on an exciting journey of exploration and self discovery and I’m delighted to share what I have learnt along the way. Combining my passions for Astrology and Intuitive or Process Arts, I provide a multi faceted approach to help people understand themselves, navigate their lives and develop their true potential
I consult professionally as an Astrologer/ Life Navigator over Zoom and assist with life navigation (coaching), using your birth chart as the map. Please EMAIL ME for more details or to book a session.
Intuitive Process Art has been a huge part of my personal journey and I’ve developed my own methods, which I incorporate into the Transformative Live Retreats and Workshops, as well as the Online Courses that I facilitate with my life partner John Homewood.
We have formed a collaboration called JOURNEYS OF AWAKENING, where we offer a 13 week online course called JOURNEY TO FREEDOM, as well as an ongoing community platform called INNERSPACE.
Every fortnight, I post a video or blog on the latest Planetary happenings and offer tools and coaching tips to help you to navigate the energies. You are most welcome to subscribe HERE.
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READ MORE about past events. 2020 Workshops & Retreats coming soon