Full Moon February 2024

Are you feeling this powerful energy? Are you sensing now, more than ever before, that you’re ready to liberate yourself? That you’re ready to let go of the suffering and connect with who you really are?

The coming Full Moon in Virgo on 24th February is the last Full Moon of the Astrological year and represents a key release point, not only of the month, but the year as well.

There is a very strong healing theme this Full Moon, stemming from several cosmic alignments.
Perhaps you’re being triggered more than normal?
Perhaps you’re feeling more emotional, or more tired than usual?

We are in the middle of a major evolutionary shift and this is part of it!

Please don’t believe that there is anything wrong with you. Whatever is arising is supposed to arise, for your kind and non-judgmental attention and for healing.

Astrologically, the Moon is at 5 degrees of Virgo, opposite the Sun, Saturn and Mercury in Pisces and trine Jupiter in Taurus- all shining the light on healing of body, mind and soul. if you have any planets or points at 4 or 5 degrees of Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius or Pisces you will be feeling this more powerfully.

Chiron, the wounded healer, has moved into a very important alignment with the North Node (the destiny point), for the first time since 2008. You may be re-visiting themes that played out then!

And Mars and Venus have joined together in the sky, potentially bringing healing to relationships and balancing masculine and feminine energies.

These alignments are coming around again, not to make you suffer, but to bring you back to wholeness.

Be kind, be accepting, be appreciative of what’s arising and allow the healing to happen.

I explain more in my video above.

If you’d like to to explore where these powerful alignments are playing out in your personal chart or if you need some help navigating them, you’re welcome to contact me and we can set up a session. 

 I am an Astrologer/ Life Navigator/ Coach, Process Art Facilitator and I use a  multi-faceted approach to help people understand and accept themselves, navigate their lives and rediscover their true purpose and potential.

I consult one-on-one as an Astrologer/ Life Navigator, mainly on Zoom.  I also teach online and facilitate live workshops and retreats with my partner John Homewood. www.journeysofawakening.com

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