Full Moon April in Scorpio Hi Soul Traveller Eclipse season is here, kicking off with a Full Moon / Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on 26th May, without doubt one of the most powerful this year. The full moon is square its ruler Jupiter, which has just gone into Pisces. CORRECTION – In the video I mention that Jupiter has gone retrograde. It only goes retrograde in June. Saturn goes retrograde on 25th May and Mercury, the sign of communication, goes retrograde on 30th May. This Full moon provides us with the opportunity of reviewing all our communications and belief systems. This is an extremely powerful portal, connecting us with our deep inner knowing and our vision for the future. In this video, I explain the energies in more detail and provide some navigational tools to help you to optimise the current alignments. Here are some questions to work with this full moon: What is true for me at this point of my life? Have my belief systems changed and how? How are my communications with others? How is my communication with myself? Do I communicate from my head or from my heart? How would I like to show up in the world – what is my vision? CONSULTATIONSI have been consulting and coaching professionally for 18 years. Please EMAIL me if you would like to enquire about or book a reading. JOURNEY TO FREEDOM – STARTS 10TH JUNE We’re really looking forward to starting our next 13 week online course, which kicks off on the Solar Eclipse on the 10th May. Join us free for the first VISION WEEK INNERSPACE JUNE– TRUE COMMUNICATIONJoin a beautiful group of like-minded souls and take your spiritual journey to another level by joining our ongoing Online Membership Support Platform, InnerSpace. This month we are working with TRUE COMMUNICATION. Scroll down for details
Let me know if you would like to book an astrology reading.
If you have seen me before, we can do an update/ navigational coaching session , where I will help you to navigate the alignments for the year ahead.
You can find out what to expect from a consultation with me HERE
- Journey with us and a supportive community of like-minded souls
- Liberate yourself from unconscious, redundant and exhausting mental patterns
- Clear the blockages you carry to love, peace, abundance and the joy of life
- Come home to the truth of who your really are
- Integrate into your daily life, the knowledge from your head, with the wisdom of you heart.
- Reveal your true purpose and get that which you really, really want
INNERSPACE – ONGOING ONLINE COMMUNITYTake your spiritual journey to another level by joining our ongoing Online Membership Support Platform, InnerSpace. Join for a month at a time, or sign up for a full year. Each month we focus on a different theme, aligned with the Astrological energies of the time. In MAY, we are working with the theme of Self Worth. |
SUNDAY NIGHT FACEBOOK LIVE GATHERINGSWe meet every Sunday Evening on Facebook live for a SUNDAY SATSANG. We start with an opening meditation, followed by a short astrology update, themed discussion and close with a visualisation to prepare you for the week ahead. Please join us. https://web.facebook.com/john.homewood.7