On 28th/29th June we have a New Moon in Cancer, a time to shed our old shells and plant new seeds, in the fertile soil of the feminine. This is a sensitive New Moon, which can bring feelings and insecurities around home, family, parenting, security and nurturing to the fore.
There is another side to this one however, with the New Moon being squared by the planet Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter urges us to move forward into exciting new ventures, which is a little at odds with the Cancerian need for home and safety.
In this video, I explore the different energies and lead you through a short meditation to help you connect with your true home.
I offer private 60 to 90 minute astrology / coaching sessions, usually on Zoom, with a recording sent to you afterwards. If you would like to explore your true potential and/ or find out how these expansive new cycles are playing out in your chart, contact me to set up a private Zoom session
Join us FREE on Facebook live every Sunday from 7:30 to 8:30pm. Every week, we explore a different theme and lead you through a centering meditation and a visualisation. https://web.facebook.com/Journeysofawakening.
As a qualified Counselling Astrologer, Artist, writer and all round Explorer of Life, Michelle uses a multi-faceted approach to help people understand themselves, navigate their lives and develop their true potential.