New Moon January

 Well, its hard to believe, but we’ve reached the end of another year …. almost done and hopefully dusted! 

2022 kicks off with a New Moon in the sign of Capricorn  on 2nd January in Capricorn.  The first New Moon of the year sets the scene and provides us with some navigational insights for the whole of 2022.

Looking at the Astrology, this year certainly promises some welcome expansion, after the restrictive energies of the past 2 years.  With Jupiter’s journey through Pisces, we will be imagining in a New Earth.

Before the New Moon , its a good idea to reflect on the past year, find the learnings, and release whatever is not serving you. Then on the day of the New Moon, set some strong, grounded intentions for the year ahead. 

 There is a supportive trine to Uranus, which will help to do this. 

In my  video I explain  the energies in more detail and provide some navigational tools to help you to optimise the current alignments.

 INNERSPACE JANUARY – In our Online Community during January we will be exploring and preparing for THE ROAD AHEAD.  Join us 

 ASTROLOGY CONSULTATIONS/ LIFE COACHING  I’ll be consulting again from the second week of January, so email me  if you’d like to see what the year holds for you.

We will be starting our tenth JOURNEY TO FREEDOM Course (13 week online experience) – scroll down for details

 I wish you a truly magnificent year!




In our Innerspace Community in January, we explore the Road ahead, which, although it is uncertain, is gifting us with the opportunity to navigate this journey of life in an entirely different way, and awaken our co-creative power in imagining a beautiful New Earth. 

Join us for the Month by clicking HERE   You will be invited to participate in two 90 minute Zoom calls and will receive access to a membership page containing an audio meditation, inspirations and a creative project to help you set your intentions for the year

In Capricorn season we create new structures, a new architecture, that will support us on our annual journey.  There’s no point in building something new on old foundations or using old materials.

This is the time of the year to set new intentions and lay new foundations for the world that we want to construct, rather than trying to fix that which is broken.



Our 10th Journey to Freedom Course will start on 27th JANUARY 2022.

This is a deeply transformational course, which has lasting effects!

We invite you to join us for the first week of our Journey absolutely free, where we will explore LIFE VISION. Click on the image for more details



Joi us for the first week of the Journey to Freedom FREE, where we will explore our Vision for 2022

You will receive access to 2 x 90 minute Zoom calls, as well as an online journal, meditation and creative project to help you to focus your energy positively and prepare for the year ahead.



I have been consulting and coaching professionally for 18 years. Please EMAIL me if you would like to enquire about or book a reading.

If you have seen me before, we can do an update/  navigational coaching session , where  I will help you to navigate the alignments for the year ahead.

You can find out what to expect from a consultation with me by clicking on the image above 




We resume our Sunday Evening Facebook lives on 9th January.

We start with an opening meditation, followed by a short astrology update, themed discussion and close with a visualisation to prepare you for the week ahead.  Please join us.