This beautiful image is by Korean painter Yongsung Kim


Hi Everybody New Moon March 17th in Pisces

Well we’re in the final stages of the moon’s waning (releasing) cycle and preparing for the New Moon March 17th in Pisces. This is a really important one, as it heralds not only the end of a month’s cycle, but also the beginning of the end of our Astrological year. The New Year starts on 20th /21st March, when the Sun moves in Aries.

Due to the New Moon being in close proximity to Chiron, the wounded healer, this is also a very unique  opportunity to gain understanding and bring healing to our deepest and most painful struggles or hurts. More about that further on. This is greatly expanded and possibly assisted by a trine to Jupiter in Scorpio. We also have 3 planets in Aries, adding a fiery element to the mix.


A new moon in Pisces is always a time of letting go, releasing and planting new seeds for the year ahead.  As a mutable water sign. Pisces strengthens our connection to all that is/ Source/ the Divine; as well as activating and deepening our imagination, intuition and creativity. At this time of the year, we are able to refine our perceptions and raise our consciousness, by aligning with and flowing with the energy of the moment. It is a time to release and surrender the year.

The symbol for Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions and there are most definitely two sides to the sign, as there are with all the signs of the zodiac.


The flip side of Pisces energy is that it is can also be a time when we feel the suffering of everything more acutely, when we are more sensitive or when our grief, sadness, fears, or victimhood can come to the surface. We can also feel lethargic, tired, confused,  all at sea, in a fog, hopeless, invaded, frustrated, victimised, or ill. It’s the end of a cycle after all!  It’s often a time when people who have been struggling to release an age or illness-ravaged body are able to finally let it go. If you haven’t heard, Stephen Hawkins passed yesterday. My uncle passed peacefully on Tuesday too. He was very old and it was time! Whilst visiting him last week, he certainly seemed to be connecting with and drifting between different dimensions, starting the process of completing his journey here and moving on.


So – this is the time of the year when the fields of our lives need to be cleared, and the soil left to stand fallow for a bit to recover,  before a new crop is planted.

The problem is, most of us homo sapiens are more human doings than human beings, and a lot of us aren’t too crazy about stopping the noise, possible because when it does, we are pulled into a quiet place where all that remains is us and “all that is”.  We generally aren’t too happy to be in a void for long, so we tend to fill it up as quickly as we can and that is where the exhaustion sets in.  We just don’t give ourselves time to catch our breaths and recover, before carrying on with the next thing!

Nevertheless, it’s very clear that this is what we’re being called up upon to do, even it its uncomfortable at first. Bite sized pieces of the void are better than no void at all ?That’s why meditation or stillness are so important, because they give us mini vacations in our overflowing lives.


The reason this new moon is SO important is because of Chiron, who is sailing along right next to the sun and the moon and is about to leave the sign of Pisces where he has been since 2011.  Due to having a 51 year orbit, this marks the end of a much longer cycle as well!.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer (we all have one) can be seen as the wound that make us wise;  the pain and struggles that are actually designed to help to grow and raise our consciousness, even though it really doesn’t feel like that sometimes!  When Chiron moves through Pisces, we are asked to investigate how much we trust  – not other people –  but rather how much we trust the flow of life; how much we are able to surrender to the ebb and flow cycles; how much we are able to understand that we are connected and supported by something much bigger and more mysterious than our the physical world.

If you were born between the years of around 1961 to 1969, you probably have your natal Chiron in Pisces, like me, which means that this is part of your core wound anyway, If so, you  might feel as if you’re being tested now more than other people, as Chiron makes his last freestyle dash though the deep waters of Pisces, making sure you get the message and the healing. There is help at hand!


Whether or not you fall into this category, we are ALL  being urged to trust, surrender and release something or somebody at this time.


The area that Chiron is moving through your chart will give you clues as to where you need to trust, surrender and release. If for example, Chiron has been travelling through your 4th house, it might suggest that something to do with your home or your home itself or your family needs to be released. If he’s travelling through your 10th house, then the focus would be on on your career/vocation; in the 6th house your health and so on. The area in which Chiron was in when you were born will also be brought into the mix.

Wherever Chiron is now and wherever it was when you were born, you would have had many opportunities to work with  trust.  faith, surrender and deepening your connection over the past 7 years or so.

You’re welcome to book a short session with me to investigate how this is playing out in your chart, and what you need to release  before Chiron moves into Aries in April. Heads up – This might be contrary to your personal preference!


If you  haven’t had your chart done or aren’t keen to have it done, then just just intuitively connect with what you feel you need to release right now in your life.


  • Please make some time before or on the New Moon to jot down the main things that have happened in the last astrological year in all aspects of your life. The wins, the losses, new arrivals, departures, health, work, finances, home, family etc.
  • If possible, do some kind of clearing or detoxing of mind, spirit, body before the New Moon as well. This is arguably the best time of the year to do this.
  • Then preferably on the day of the new moon, connect with the energy of water in some way – the sea, a river, a dam, a stream or if none of those a swimming pool, bath or bowl of water.
  •  One idea is to write  down what you want to release, on a leaf or a stone and set it down / throw it into the water… or come up with something even more imaginative!  Watch as it drifts down the river or gets washed out to sea. As you do so, repeat to yourself

I cleanse and release all the dead weight from the year gone by. I release………………………. (be specific)

I calm and centre my mind, body, and spirit, so I may hear the calling of my soul guiding me in the right direction

I replenish my energy and welcome in a new vision for my life (describe it) – you could send something into the water course to represent this too, if you like.

We’ll be  working with this in my  EBB & FlOW Workshop on Saturday 17th March. I still have a bit of space, so join us if you are able to. Email me for details


Mercury will be retrograde from 23rd March to 16th April,  so make sure you back up all your data and double check travel arrangements before then.

Thanks for reading!

In Life and Light



New moon March, End of a cycle, astrologer, South Africa, astrologer, Moon in Pisces, Sun in Pisces, Mercury retrograde, Chiron in Pisces, Chiron

Copyright Michelle McClunan – please share with links to this post